So, you're probably wondering... What the heck is this? How does Rivalry Nutz work? The answer is pretty straightforward!
All the information we have is at This is the official source. We will update it as new details become available!
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🔈 And don't forget to follow us on X for exclusive news on all nutz-related things!
🥜 Bonus funds play will not earn you any NUTZ.
But... What is a Nutz? What's a crypto wallet?
There's lots to learn! Don't worry, though; we've got you covered. Feel free to dive into these reliable resources available online:
Browse eleven courses created to help you understand more about Web3, Crypto wallets and all things Blockchain.
Build your crypto knowledge with these guides and tutorials.
Beginner guides, practical tips, and market updates for first-timers, experienced investors, and everyone in between.
Suggested crypto wallets
The following list is not exhaustive, but wallets that we love at Rivalry, are easy to set up.