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Identity Verification
Why do I need to verify my account?
Why do I need to verify my account?
Celty avatar
Written by Celty
Updated over a week ago

Verification isn't just a requirement of our license - it's something we are proud to do.

Verifying that our users are of age, and in a jurisdiction where online betting is allowed helps keep everyone safe. We also need to make sure that it's actually you using the account registered with your identity.

When registering your account, the information you provide must match your identity documents. To use our services, each user has to pass through an identity verification process.

If the information you add to your Rivalry account (for instance, your date of birth, or your name) does not match your documents 🧐 your account may be put on hold ⚠️until we can clear up the discrepancy.

As a licensed operator in a highly regulated industry, we require our customers to provide real data. This is to protect you, our community, and our platform.

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